Hi Vincent & Thomas,
Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't sure about how generic we want our new
"livetable" macro to be. From our discussions in
http://n2.nabble.com/HELP-LiveTable-2-0-Macro-td3662035.html what I
understood is that main purpose of livetable macro is to act as a method for
listing documents.
Now, if we expand the scope of livetable 2.0 macro to:
"dynamically fetch a json object from a url (or a document) and layout that
content in a table like structure"
Then we can resolve to following generic syntax:
{{livetable source="" params=""}}....{{/livetable}}
"source" can be a url or an xwiki document name (producing json) and params
will be fed into this url.
Now based on this syntax we can derive sub-macros like:
{{documents}} & {{objects}} which will internally use the generic
{{livetable}} macro.
- Asiri