Hi devs,
I did not had much time to work on Extension Manager lately so you did
not seen much new things.
I'm concentrating again on it and here is what you can expect for 3.0M3:
* multiwiki support: it means that you can install an extension on
specific wiki(s) (even jar extensions)
* xar handler: the possibility to install/upgrade/uninstall a xar. It
will be only a first version here since it's a very big work.
** will contains:
*** import a xar into the wiki
*** the xar can have infinite number of pages and attachments,
it's just limited by the size of each attachment right now until the
storage API support fully streamed attachments
*** very limited upgrade: import add a new version to make sure to
not loose anything, there is no real merging handling
*** still experimental (not stable) API
*** still demo-like UI
I'm pretty much done with multiwiki support and import and currently
writing tests for it. Then I will add new feature in the UI.
The next step will be to concentrate on xar merging for framework side
and start sealing a bit more the API. Some work on the UI will
probably be done at the same time too.
Thomas Mortagne