On Sat, 2011-03-05 at 12:44 +0100, Ludovic Dubost
> Hi,
> I've tried the dashbord on 3.0 snapshot and could not make the "Add
> Gadget" function work on an empty dashboard.
> From what I see the issue seems to be in the wysiwyg code. I got the
no, it's dashboards code, I forgot to handle the case when the column
where the gadget should be added doesn't actually exist.
> dialog box from the wysiwyg, when clicking on Insert Gadget" I got an
> exception:
> uncaught exception: Class$dF: One or more exceptions caught, see full
> set in UmbrellaException#getCauses
> at
> function nr(){try{null.a()}catch(b){return b}}
> This issue seemed to only happen with an empty dashboard macro (with not
> gadget yet added).
> I think we need to work on two things for each feature that we are
> developping:
> 1/ Having a status of where we are:
> In the case of Dashboard, I think that's updating this page:
I updated the table. There could be new cases, I guess, to comprise the
missing things (like adding a column when editing, or others a like),
but I prefer to use Jira issues for these. WDYT?
> 2/ Write a test plan and have Sorin include the testing of new features
> in his testing.
> For that he needs to know how to test and what is supposed to be
> there/not there.
> Concerning the development priorities, I think for the next period of
> development on the dashboard we need to focus on wiring the UI for
> "beginners", making it easy for them to create their first dashboard. In
> my view this is in priority:
> - Create page with a dashboard macro (In the Add Menu in XE)
> - Go to edit more
What's "edit more"?
> (I'm still convinced that we need the dashboard
> editing in "view" mode and not in "inline" mode)
What do others think?
Knowing that the current edit in inline mode has a few limitations:
* remove gadget will be saved immediately, not when the user clicks
"save". If the user says remove gadget, confirms the remove and then
clicks the "cancel" button in the edit form, the remove will still be
* same for add gadget.
The way I see the two possibilities:
A) "View mode edit" will save on every change
B) "Edit mode edit" (implemented as inline edit, now) will save
everything at the end (current implementation but with the limitations
-1 for A)
I'm definitely for B) "Edit mode edit", not only for consistency, but
also for avoiding surprise side effects when interacting with the