Hello everyone!
Currently, I'm working on moving to the new Mail Sender API for share page
by mail, which is related in XWiki-11786
<https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-11786>. After having some discussions
with Vincent, we decided to include the possibility of sending the email to
groups, related in XWiki-12112 <https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-12112>.
Even if everything looks good for now, a problem just appeared when trying
to access the recipient name (it's used in the email body, for addressing
the recipient (*Hello ${recipientName}*).
It seems like the new API it's not providing other information than the
email address, which was confirmed by XWiki-12207
For now, I worked here
<https://github.com/arcilli/xwiki-platform/tree/XWIKI-12112> with some code
from Vincent's commits
Also, after a few discussions with Marius, we concluded that for having the
name of the recipient in the message, the code needs some refactoring,
which can take a considerable amount of time. Another solution is to
exclude the *recipientName *from the body of the message and keep only *Hello
*(which would be a regression). This will be a shorter solution, but with
the benefit of having the possibility to send emails to groups.
What's your opinion on this?
Thanks a lot!
Have a nice day!
<http://www.xwiki.com/> *Gabriel Răileanu*
*Software Developer Engineer Intern*