Hi everyone,
I've started working on a Maven2 build for XWiki.
I have some questions/remarks about some files stored in SVN:
1/ trunk/changelog.xml
Shouldn't this file be removed? What is it used for?
2/ trunk/build.properties
I think this file shouldn't be checked in because it's valid for a user to
define a build.properties file in the project's root. If he does this now,
this file will be marked as modified. It needs to be added to SVN ignore
list. The solution is to rename this file in build.properties.sample
3/ trunk/test and source and test directories in general
What's the difference with src/test or src/test-cactus? It seems test/ holds
test resource files. As a first step, I'm proposing to move the directories
as follows:
|_ java
|_ resources
|_ perl
|_ web
|_ java
|_ cactus
|_ resources (this would be the current top level test/ dir)
This is required to be able to write a proper Maven/Maven2 build.
4/ What are src/web.xml and src/web-exo.xml. Why are they not under
That's enough for a first pass. The most important thing is point 3 above.
Let me know what you think and what you're ok for me to do.