I have searced the xwiki site, list history, the web, subscribed to xwiki-users, before
asking this:
I am running xwiki standalone, the file is wiki-1.1-milestone-1.tar.gz and it says
"Standalone installation including a Jetty container and an HSQLDB database all set
up. Should be used by first-time users"
Please tell me where are the files (or directories) that I need to save to have a full
backup. Both database and configs but not the libs. It is running in
I compared the original .tar.gz with my modified xwiki, appart from logs, only these files
are different:
db/xwiki_db.properties (only the date changed)
temp/imageCache/ (empty directory, belongs to root)
db/xwiki_db.script looks like an sql-dump, and my modifications are included. Could it be
that a database dump is created every time I modify something? Anyway the database apears
*not* to be inside the xwiki directory...
PLEASE HELP, I want to make a full backup, but without all the libs and fixed stuff (the
whole directory is 55Mb! ).
Thansk for any help,