Hi everyone,
Thanks for your feedback on my previous mail on this topic. I've discussed it more
with Gregory and Emilie and here's what we'd like to propose now:
* Add a Profesional Services heading on the download which would contain
** Some text explaining about community support and linking to
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Support (which already describes community
** A livetable containing companies offering professional services for XWiki. The columns
would be:
*** Logo
*** Company name
*** Number of active committers
*** Link to the correct anchor on the Support page
** The livetable would only show 3 entries
** The livetable would be sorted by active committers by default
** A text that explains how to add a new company to the list and which would point to the
Governance page (
* We will remove the current XWiki SAS support link since that information will be moved
to the livetable
* Rework the download page so that when a download link is clicked, it opens a new page
containing the feedback questionnaire while the download happens
** Note that for this to be technically possible I propose to remove the link to the OW2
mirrors and instead link to the only existing mirror (OW2 seems to have only 1...). If
not, we would need some code to compute which OW2 mirror to use based on the location.
* The feedback questionnaire page would contain the following:
** The following questionnaire:
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/SatisfactionSurveyProducts (let's tune the
questions together)
** The questionnaire would start with a first question asking to which companies it should
be sent to. We would list all companies offering professional support (using checkboxes)
with a special text for the top one ("Top contributor") and in parenthesis
listing the number of active committers. For example:
[ ] XWiki SAS - Top contributor with 15 active committers
[ ] Softec - 1 active committer
** A text explaining that it's optional and what the questionnaire will be used for,
i.e. that
*** it will be published anonymously on
xwiki.org to improve the product
*** it will be sent to the companies for which the user has checked the box
We've tried to design this proposal with taking 2 ideas into account:
1) that it's fair and that all companies can have a fair visibility
2) that it's visible which companies contribute the most (to reward their
On Jan 10, 2011, at 11:02 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi devs and everyone,
Emilie has proposed the following content to be added to the Download page
The idea is twofold:
1) to get feedback about what people think about our software.
2) some people who download the XWiki software from
xwiki.org don't know that XWiki
SAS has a commercial offerings and could be interested by it
The pros for the community are:
1) XWiki SAS will publish back the result of the feedback it receives from the download
form which will allow us to fine tune and improve the software
2) XWiki SAS could get more business (from people who want to buy support, dev work,
hosting, etc) which will mean accrued budget for paying developers and resources to work
on the XWiki project
Note 1: the form would be of course optional
Note 2: in the future I'd like to see a not for profit foundation to handle
xwiki.org, the xwiki open source project, donations, etc. When this happens we could elect
from member for the foundation and have the feedback form sent to that foundation for
example, with members of the foundation having access to the data (for example).
-Vincent Massol, acting as both CTO of XWiki SAS and XWiki open source developer