On 24 juin 08, at 23:07, Vincent Massol wrote:
Sounds good. I've skimmed very quickly through
and this is my understanding too. Some open questions/remarks/
comments I have:
I agree as well.
* What I'm not sure yet (since I haven't read
that far ;)) is how you
plug the IDocumentPartitioner to the syntax highlighting.
Once you have a partitioning which basically assign to every disjoint
portion of the document a type,
you can assign them a scanner which further divide the partition's
content into tokens and assign to them display attributes, or you can
attach to a partition type a given content assistant which provides
suggestions for that context.
An engineering effort should be made to decide where the partitioning
ends and where, for example, the scanner starts.
As a degenerate case we could consider the document as a single huge
partition, and write a scanner that identifies elements into this huge
partition. While this could work fine for syntax highlighting, it is
completely useless for content assistance (what would be a suggestion
for a whole document? We need suggestions for links, macros... This
should guide the engineering of the relevant partition types that can
be useful to consider).
* XDOM is a tree, i.e. Blocks are nested. Are the partitions nested
No, by definition partitions are disjoint.
What I think should be done is to clearly identify what are the XDOM
blocks that we want to consider partitions.
I think that considering XDOM tree leaves as partitions could be fine.
Also I see that JFace has lots of existing rule-based APIs to simply
parsing/scanning (a la
http://jparsec.codehaus.org/) so I'm still
unsure if we can plug the rendering parser in a natural manner.
I think that as a first approximation, we can parse the whole document
and, by having in mind which XDOM blocks are the partitions for us, we
can return them using JFace mechanisms. This means that we need to
write a complete implementation of the IDocumentPartitioner and
probably we will not be able to use the general purpose rules and
partitioners already defined in the framework.