The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of
XEclipse 1.0
You can find it at
XEclipse is an Eclipse plug-in that allows the user to interact with
an XWiki server directly from within the Eclipse IDE. XEclipse comes
in two flavors: as an Eclipse plugin that can be directly integrated
in the Eclipse IDE or as a standalone RCP application.
Main changes from 1.0M1:
* New refactored and redesigned user interface
* Quick navigation to a given page.
* Page previews.
* Ability to work off-line. (Grab sites into local machine).
* Warning about possible conflicts when syncing with server.
* Ability to define working sets to focus on a subset of the XWiki
+ bug fixes and other improvements
For more information and screenshots see:
-The XWiki Dev Team