I think this check is wrong. the comment above says :
## this should not return lines. This shows data in large string table
that should be in largestring table
select * from xwikiproperties,xwikilargestrings where
xwp_classtype='com.xpn.xwiki.objects.StringListProperty' and
xwp_name=xwl_name and xwp_id=xwl_id;
AFAIK we are indeed storing string list properties as large strings, so
it sound normal that it returns results. Can someone confirm/infirm
this, to know if we have to update the sanitycheck.
The proper check should be instead:
## this should not return lines. This shows data in string table that
should be in largestring table
select * from xwikiproperties,xwikistrings where
xwp_classtype='com.xpn.xwiki.objects.StringListProperty' and
xwp_name=xws_name and xwp_id=xws_id;
Please let us which from the other queries that return results.
Junjun He wrote:
Hi, there,
I'm running the sanity check script on mysql 5.0.54 and there are some
queries return results. To correct these problems, should I simply just
delete these results or I need to do something else before the deletion?
Take an example, for the following query:
select * from xwikiproperties,xwikilargestrings where
xwp_classtype='com.xpn.xwiki.objects.StringListProperty' and
xwp_name=xwl_name and xwp_id=xwl_id
| -1877168607 | subscribedDocuments |
| -1877168607 | subscribedDocuments
| Main.WebSearch|Main.Categories
| 261169163 | subscribedDocuments | com.xpn.xwiki.objects.StringListProperty
| 261169163 | subscribedDocuments | Service
| 683557787 | subscribedWebs | com.xpn.xwiki.objects.StringListProperty |
683557787 | subscribedWebs | Replication
| 683557787 | subscribedDocuments | com.xpn.xwiki.objects.StringListProperty
| 683557787 | subscribedDocuments | IIS.WebHome
I've got couple hundred lines of records like this. If I delete all these
records, what kind of impact will be to my content?
Thank you very much for your help