On 06 Jun 2016, at 15:19, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
<valicac(a)gmail.com> wrote:
This is a follow up for the governance changes mail, see
This proposal aims to add a support panel inside XWiki Enterprise:
There are 3 variants you can vote on: A, B and C.
If the goal is to offer a Support Panel then I don’t the “hosting offers” makes sense. For
pure support, I’d vote for B but I wouldn’t say “our” which means nothing when a user sees
this in his wiki (since “our” points to the company/entity in which the wiki was
installed). I’d say instead “If you need help with XWiki you can contact:”.
Note that another alternative is to have this as a tip for the Tip Panel.
If the goal is to offer a more general panel listing business offers then it makes sense
to offer support, hosting, and even other offers.
Let me know what you think.