Hi Vincent,
* Lots of errors in the console when displaying the
home page
It was due to translations page not registered from where the date
format is retrieved. I added a default date format so it's fixed now.
* Missing translations on home page and lots of other
pages when you
start up XEM
Except for overwriting XWiki.XWikiPreferences page in XEM xar I don't
see solutions for that. I don't like to overwrite XWikiPreferences in
a xar but as it's already the case because XE do that it can be done
also in XEM while there is no standard solution for register
translations page at import. WDYT ?
* Error when clicking the button on the installation
page (although
this may be due to HSQLDB since I've tested it with it)
Yes it is due to HSQLDB that does not support to import a xar in a sub
wiki that was just created yet (don't know why). Same with Derby.
* Xem --> "XWiki Enterprise Manager"
Fixed now.
* Navigation isn't good
Don't understand,
navigation of what ?
* Text should be improved on home page and other pages
Yes you are right :) Guillaume is looking for it when he has time.
* Installation should be more seamless somehow (need to
find out way
to remove installation page)
I made a explicit installation page to not always test in all pages
that an installation as to be done. Plus as what is in Installation is
not technically vital for XEM (just create a default wiki template) an
administrator can decide to not do it.
2007/11/12, Thomas Mortagne <thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com>om>:
Hi Vincent,
About Installation error, yes it's caused by HSQLDB that is not fully
supported in virtual mode yet.
The translations pages has to be registered in XWikiPreferences that
one of the two things made by XEM installation page.
I'm looking for the error you get in the home page...
2007/11/12, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>et>:
On Nov 11, 2007, at 8:20 PM, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
Hi all,
XE 1.1.2 was just released and was the only thing needed to be able
to release :
- Application Manager 1.0M2
- Wiki Manager 1.0M2
- XEM 1.0M2
You can see the release notes for theses version at : See
Here my +1
-1 for now. Reasons:
* Lots of errors in the console when displaying the home page
* Missing translations on home page and lots of other pages when you
start up XEM
* Error when clicking the button on the installation page (although
this may be due to HSQLDB since I've tested it with it)
Other stuff (not blocking the release but need to be improved for the
final release):
* Xem --> "XWiki Enterprise Manager"
* Navigation isn't good
* Text should be improved on home page and other pages too
* Installation should be more seamless somehow (need to find out way
to remove installation page)
devs mailing list
Thomas Mortagne
Thomas Mortagne