On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 20:09, Marius Dumitru Florea
<mariusdumitru.florea(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
Hi devs,
I'd like to upgrade platform/web to GWT 2.0 before the 2.2M2 release.
That's a milestone, that's milestone job to introduce new things and
we WILL upgrade to 2.0 anyway so i don't see why not doing it now
especially if all unit and integration tests pass.
Even if the WYSIWYG users won't notice any
difference (maybe a small
decrease in loading time and a small increase in responsiveness dues to
compiler optimizations) this upgrade will help ease the development. You
can find the detailed release notes at
http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/ReleaseNotes.html . I'm
most interested in:
* ability to run the unit tests on the build server (a 32-bit JVM isn't
needed anymore, finally, since the tests are run by default with HtmlUnit)
* ability to run and debug the Java code directly in the browser (new
development mode using a FF plugin)
* ability to split the code and load it on demand
In order to upgrade I need
in our maven repo:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=gwt-incubator-20091216-r1739.jar
-DgroupId=com.google.gwt -DartifactId=gwt-incubator
-Dversion=20091216-r1739 -Dpackaging=jar
Who can help me with that?
All unit and integration tests pass locally so here's my +1.
devs mailing list
Thomas Mortagne