On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 6:31 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
Hi devs,
I'd like to brainstorm about the idea of having global versioning in XE.
First here is a use case:
* I have a given state in my wiki with pages in different versions
* I add some pages or make modifications to existing pages
* I want to go back to the previous state
A good use case could be for example to return to a state before one or several
applications have been installed.
Proposed solution
* Store a global version number in the DB. Let's call it VERSION
* Whenever a doc is modified, use VERSION + 1 as the new doc version
* When we rollback (to say version OLDVERSION) do a query on all docs in the wiki having
a version > OLDVERSION and for each of them rollback to their last version <=
* Write a migrator that runs the whole wiki history by looking at all versions of all
docs (map in memory) and recompute the new version starting a VERSION = 1 and
* We would also need to modify the XAR importer so that importing a XAR with an older
versioning scheme will work. BTW knowing that it's an old scheme is relatively easy
since all old versions have a dot in their name.
More notes:
* This would also allow us to rollback before a given date
* If we wanted we could easily add the notion of Tags later on, i.e. to associate a name
with a VERSION
* I've been thinking about this in the context of the new model but it's probably
easier to implement it first with the old model
* JRCS uses the format X.Y for versions but we could decide to only use the major, i.e
always have versions of the form X.0
* In order to continue to support minor edits we would need a way to save that
information. One solution is to use the minor to signify a minor edit, for ex: X.1 would
mean that X is a minor. Another, probably better solution would be to store that
information in the DB in the xwikircs table
WDYT? Do you see any drawback of using a global versioning scheme? Do you think this is
doable or too much work?
See lots of benefits and a bit of complexity for the implementation
but should not be overwhelming.
Is there anything Git can tell us re managing versions
that would be useful to this discussion?
I think we looks more like svn than git.
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Thomas Mortagne