Please create the detailed JIRA issue that you’re planning to take for 7.1 and update this
page with the information.
On 16 Apr 2015 at 12:05:31, vincent(a)
( wrote:
Hi Devs,
Here are some proposals below that I have discussed with committers from XWiki SAS
For all other committers (thinking about Denis, Sergiu, Clemens, Andreas or other), feel
free to add other stuff you’d like to do in 7.1.
Large topics:
- Improve upgrade tools - Improve DW - Marius
- Notifications improvements - Immediate mail notif in watchlist + immediate notif in
comment - Edy
- Continue performance improvements - Thomas
- Totem Application cleanup and release - GuillaumeD
- Flavor mechanism - UI part - GuillaumeD
- JS API / REST Improvements
(…) -
GuillaumeD does the investigation in 7.1 and if possible starts implementation in 7.1 if
enough time
Specific JIRA:
- Add a simulation feature to the distribution wizard - XWIKI-11502 - Marius
- Extension Manager add extension search should suggest only compatible versions -
XWIKI-9920 - Edy (with Thomas to help out)
- Notify Wiki owners by email when users [request to] join their wiki - XWIKI-11096 -
- Presentation Office documents (.ppt files) aren't displayed with LibreOffice - XWIKI-11611 - Marius
- Exporting/Replaying the upgrade log - XWIKI-11504, XWIKI-11505, XWIKI-11074 - Marius
- Use the new Mail Sender API for the Share Page By Mail feature - XWIKI-11786 - Vincent
- SOLR performance investigation - Thomas
- Totem Design + Public Website Flavor - Caty
- Bootstrap tour - Caty
- Dropping support for Colibri? - Silvia/Caty
- Dropping support for IE8/9? - Silvia/Caty
Proposed Dates
- 7.1M1: 4 May
- 7.1M2: 18 May
- 7.1RC1: 1 June
- 7.1Final: 8 June
We had planned 7.1 to be in May but we’re starting late which is why we’re planning for
8th of June now. What’s important is that we succeed in keeping the cycle on 1 year, ie.
finish 7.4 in December (this means 7.2 in August, 7.3 in September/October and 7.4 in
Let me know if there are any concerns.