On 08/22/2012 07:47 AM, Jeremie BOUSQUET wrote:
not an answer for you sorry, but an advice for xwiki nexus config: you
should set "File content Validation" option on all proxy repositories
in Nexus IMHO. Happened to me recently, and the result is not nice.
Yes, I did that a few days ago when I noticed another broken jar.
you could try adding the restlet repo before xwiki
repo, and also
clear locally cached artifacts.
A different order might still break when another repo has problems.
To solve that on nexus side would need to remove
corrupted artifacts
and expire cache (or maybe only expire cache ?).
Expire cache didn't seem to fix it, I also removed the broken artifacts
that I could find.
2012/8/22 Fernando Ferreira <nando.rf(a)gmail.com>om>:
> Hi all!
> I was trying to build XWiki from sources (xwiki-commons) with a fresh new
> Maven installation (empty local repository) and found a problem with the *
> org.restlet.ext.jaxrs* artifact (2.0.14).
> This was the build error:
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.5.1:compile
> (default-compile) on project xwiki-commons-extension-repository-xwiki:
> Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
> package org.restlet.data does not exist
> package MediaType does not exist
> A little above it i saw this:
> Downloading:
> [WARNING] Checksum validation failed, expected <!DOCTYPE but is
> 97d021087f5852baf8cc9deca20825b1bf42bbaf for
> [WARNING] Checksum validation failed, expected <!DOCTYPE but is
> 97d021087f5852baf8cc9deca20825b1bf42bbaf for
> Downloaded:
> KB at 1.6 KB/sec)
> [WARNING] The POM for org.restlet.jse:org.restlet.ext.jaxrs:jar:2.0.14 is
> invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
> debug logging for more details
> Downloading:
> Downloaded:
> KB at 47.0 KB/sec)
> It seems the org.restlet's repository was down for maintenance at the time
> Nexus fetched the files.
> The POM (
> has this inside:
> You caught us doing a little maintenance. We're sorry that you can't
> access your community right now.
> ...
> With a problem like this, would something like adding the org.restlet's
> repository to my settings.xml do the work?
> I'm in no hurry anyway, i can wait for the repository... ;)
> If there's anything else i can do, just drop me a message!
> Thanks,
Sergiu Dumitriu