Hi devs,
I am opening this discussion to move the discussion started in an issue
(XWIKI-12628) to its proper place, the ML. (Discussing into JIRA is very
bad since it lower the audience, we tend to have done it too much recently).
So the issue is that, in the Nested Document concept, we can create
children to inexistent (WebHome) page. This introduce some abnormalities:
- Administering inexistent page (including page rights, see
- Children of inexistent page (see
Since we agree that having nodes in the tree of pages is fine without
having the intermediate document created, we definitely need to better show
this concept to the final user. It would be a pain to explain to a user
that access rights for page children of an inexistent page is administrable
from that inexistent page. It is also very poor when you navigate from the
breadcrumb to a inexistent page as a normal user to reach "The requested
page could not be found." with no way to navigate further.
These inexistent page are not necessarily invisible, there is links to
them, and showing that as "error" page looks inappropriate IMO. So there is
probably a couple of things we could do to improve this:
A) display the list of children in addition to the actual message
B) display a "default" and nice (not an error) dashboard on them that allow
navigation (with a button for those that can edit, to create the page)
C) create them all the time, with the dashboard above by default
D) do not propose links to those page in the breadcrumb to users without
edit right on them ?
E) ... (please add more idea)
I am in favor of B) currently, since I do not think we are in an "error"
case like A) seems to expose.
I am wondering if D) could be useful as well to limit navigation to those
page or not for user that will not find them so useful... but it may exists
opposite UC.
Denis Gervalle