I was having a look at the proposal for Forum app design with Flamingo
[1][2], and I thought it could be good to start thinking about the same for
the Mail Archive app. Yes, I'm still working on this btw :)
Would it be possible for me to re-use some graphical elements from this
proposal ? (buttons icons, the grey icons around the boxes corners, this
sort of thing). Would it be possible to somehow get close to this design
even without Flamingo skin (so with colibri), as flamingo is still not a
final skin ?
Also I remember there were some discussions about it, but how should one
proceed, keep the same app and maintain both colibri/flamingo look with
distinct css (and how to switch between both ? detect the current skin of
the wiki ?). Or just make a "flamingo" version that would not look too bad
with colibri ? Would the ColorTheme variables still be available for a
parsed ssx ?
To be honest I like the proposal (and a forum app UI is the closest you
could get to a mail archive app UI), except maybe for the topics / topics
answers, if there's a large number of answers (occurs often with a mail
thread), maybe it's not enough compact / paginated. In my most crazy
dreams, the forum app and the mail archive app could share the same UI with
small variants, but fed with different objects / data sources - seems very
nice idea, but would be quite complex to achieve.
I'm just trying to prepare myself only, because I will not work on this yet
- I'm currently bugfixing and finishing some UIs. Maybe I should wait for
the 6.x cycle (and flamingo) to be more mature.
Thanks & regards,