Hi devs,
I’ve had a few persons tell me that they don’t like the small arrow in the top level menu
in Flamingo. It seems they either don’t understand the little triangles and what it’s
about (submenu?) or they click on the menu itself and go to another page when they were
expecting some menu to drop down, or...
In addition we’re still missing a solution to easily navigate the wiki from any page
(there’s the ctrl+G solution but this is more like a shortcut to know and we need
something more).
So here are some ideas:
* For the top level menu, make it simpler by having the drop down display when you click
anywhere in the menu (the whole width of it) and only navigate when you double click
(there are actually few reasons to need to navigate with the other idea below so we could
also not do the double click thing)
* In the breadcrumb OR in the top level menu OR in both (to be decided) use something like
this (screenshot taken from IntelliJ IDEA):
This means when you click at a given level you get to see all sibling elements in the wiki
for element you’re currently on (document, space, wiki).
For example clicking on the “Home” wiki would show:
- A filter box allowing you to type and it would auto suggest as you type, completing with
wiki names
- An icon would be displayed on the left (or on the right) of the filter box and if you
click on it you’ll go the index page (Wiki Index in this case)
- A list of the first 10 wikis (an improvement would be to list first the wiki that you’ve
last navigated to)
Same would apply for spaces and pages.
We could even imagine that when you’re on a user profile page, clicking on it would
display other user pages and the filter would filter on user pages. Actually we could
imagine to when the current page has XObjects in it, it would be possible to list all
other pages in the wiki having the same XClass. And if there are several XObjects, then
somehow in the UI allow selecting which one to consider as the filter criteria.
* Note 1: The breadcrumb is currently not displayed on all pages (it’s not on the home
page for example) and thus if we implement this idea in the breadcrumb only then there’s
no solution for navigating on the home page.
* Note 2: If we were to implement this idea on the top level menu, then we still need to
display the actions too. Several options:
- a) Display the actions first and the navigation list after separated by a -----
- b) Have a first entry in the drop down that says “Actions...” and when you move the
mouse over it a secondary menu with all actions are displayed. Note that the alternative
is possible too: Display the actions and have a “Go to..." menu entry. We would just
need to choose to display what we think is the most used default (actions or navigation)
Personally I would do this:
- implement this idea for the breadcrumb
- add “Go to wiki...”, “Go to space...", “Go to page..." menu entries in the
Wiki/Space/Page top level menus
- expand the menu selection to the whole width for displaying the drop down (and not just
above the small arrow)
- either support double-click or simply add the possibility to navigate to that element in
the “Go to xxx...” submenu