Another option I guess would be to lookup dedicated
components for
performing the queries and storage directly without going through an
XWikiContext instance, but then what would be the proper way to
discover all the components that are available from the
ComponentManager (esp. query / storage) ?
By digging into the xwiki-platform code, I found that a QueryManager can
be accessed as follows, but I was wondering if there's a more easy way
to know about the components exposed by the ComponentManager at hand ?
You mean knowing what's available without actually initializing it and
getting an instance ?
That would be even better, but my basic need would be to know which
component instances I can get for doing basic operations (discovery need).
I just added a note about the QueryManager there :
A programmatic access to the potentially available component instances
would help, that's all - or is there another way to discover all XWiki
components ? In a second step, I guess we could describe the major ones
and their use on the wiki. But a runtime list of all of them
would be a good start for the developer to read their API. Btw is there
a standard URL for accessing the complete and latest stable XWiki API ?
Some links on the WritingComponents wiki page lead to
which seems outdated while on the other hand, there is
http://maven.xwiki.org/site/docs/xwiki-javadoc-4.1.x/ but which URL to
use for not having to update the wiki links everytime a new XWiki API is
released ?