Hi All,
I'm working on designing LiveTable 2.0 macro, an xwiki/2.0 macro that is
supposed to work similar to current LiveTable (say 1.0) Macro. By looking at
LiveTable 1.0 macro code I encountered few problems that confuses me a lot.
* First, LiveTable macro is different from other macros (those I have seen /
written so far) in which the generated content is "live"... Normally macros
replaces the macro block with some other generated content but here
LiveTable macro makes use of AJAX to fetch content dynamically. So the
question, is LiveTable a macro or is it something else? Stuffing
JavaScript/AJAX code inside a rendering 2.0 feels unfamiliar to me.
* Second, existing LiveTable macro can be viewed in several ways:
1. Way of presenting a list of documents containing an object of a specific
2. Way of presenting a list of documents matching a criterion.
3. Generic way of presenting information mactching a criterion.
I'm having a hard time figuring out what should be the exact purpose of
LiveTable 2.0 macro, should it be same as LiveTable 1.0 macro?
* Third, LiveTable macro uses several resources.
1. XWiki.LiveTableResults
2. XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros
3. LiveTable JavaScript widget & CSS
If we decide that LiveTable 2.0 macro should serve the same purpose as
LiveTable 1.0 macro, should these resources be reused? (within the 2.0
rendering macro)
Please help me to clarify these issues, I'm a bit lost here.
Many thanks.
- Asiri