Hello Pascal, All,
See below
Pascal Voitot wrote:
On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 6:09 PM, Jerome Velociter
<jerome(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
Pascal Voitot wrote:
I used JSX to write a GoogleMap extension...
My problem was the loading of the google entry library needed to get a
reference to "google" object in javascript.
How do you manage this without modifying the skin template?
Actually, this was not possible with JSX because JSX is not able to
external JS files as we have already explained in
another mail.
So I modified the Skin template which is not satisfying to me.
Then, I also modified JSX to manage this in order to evaluate the idea
and I
find it much practical because I can lazily load
any Javascript extension
now and I don't fear security issues in my case because my site should be
opened on internet... ;)
Anyway, my googlemap extension was only javascript functions in JSX... I
could have written a Velocity Macro but needed only some JS functions
that I
call in the middle of my XHTML/JS...
Don't understand why you should write a real macro instead of a velocity?
there is nothing to do on the server side for this, isn't it? Only some
formatting of HTML/JS...
For the two reasons I mentioned in the first mail :
1. Something like
{{map location="10, rue Pernety, Paris, France" message="One of the
XWiki offices"/}}
is nicer and more explicit for the users of wiki editor than the
following in velocity :
{{velocity}}#map("10, rue Pernety, Paris, France" "One of the XWiki
offices" "" "" "" ""){{/velocity}}
yes this is not very nice :)
2. In velocity, we have to give a value (even
empty one) for all
parameters (I added above a lot of empty values just to show that if the
macro supports many optional parameters, this is how the velocity call
will look like).
And I would add...
3. We can write unit tests/rendering tests for an actual XWiki Syntax
2.0 macro. This is another advantage, it will make it easier to add
parameters or new implementations (viamichelin for example ;)) to the
but you have also to write and compile code where there is no real server
code actually :)
I tend to agree with your point, this is why I initially emitted the
reserve in point 3. above.
Now that I explored more that path and started to implement the macro, I
think it worth it at the end.
I am at a point where the macro is not aware of the underlaying
implementation (google map, yahoo map, etc.) and where one can add an
implementation just by registering and configuring a component in
plexus.xml and write the javascript extension for that implementation in
a wiki page (thus, not writing a single line of java code, and not
having to recompile).
What the macro does is to generate the JSX "use" calls (I currently
generate a velocity macro for that, maybe I could directly call the jsx
plugin, this is to be investigated further), and initialize a Javascript
object (by generating a (x)html macro with a script tag). The
abstraction of the implementation is currently realized using
duck-typing (
From the Javascript point of view, an implementation is then just the
definition of an object that should implement as set of expected methods
(2 for now), that will be properly documented. The registration of that
implementation against the server in plexus.xml currently looks like the
following :
As we can see, the MapProvider component is in reality just a simple
POJO which provides
- The document name of the JSX page for that implementation
- The constructor to use for that implementation (the name of the
duck-typed object). I need that to be able to handle several kind of
maps on the same document (meaning several JSX map implementations
loaded). An alternative could be to have a convention for the object
name, for example the page name of the jsx document.
The main issue I faced while doing this was the loading of the JS
library needed by the implementations themselves (the call the google
maps/y! maps libraries). I really did not wanted to have this generated
by the macro on the server side (even if the URL is retrieved from
configuration, it would be not very flexible to handle URL parameters,
for example to upgrade the version used, etc.), so I inspired from a
trick I've seen used by several libraries : generating this on the
client side, by the JSX itself, using document.write("<script>..."); I
agree it is not the nicest thing to have, but I could not find a better
alternative. Maybe somebody has a better idea for this.
Anyway, I can understand your point of view!
I agree for the other map providers...
And your macro would create the div to embed the map also?
you would not provide an option so that you can provide tell the macro to
use a div you have created somewhere?
Yes, this is possible already. If you precise a container node id in the
macro parameters, this one will be used, otherwise, one will be created
for you on the fly.
Conclusion: write a real macro and let's see if this is not too heavy
compared to a simple velocity one :)
Conclusion: I will upload a first patch very soon on JIRA, so that this
whole idea can be better reviewed :)
We also have to think about a proper place for new macros. I developed
this one in the rendering component, but it really don't think it's a
proper place for it, especially since now there is a "wiki" part. I'm
thinking about a xwiki-macros component, with components/ and wiki/
sub-modules. WDYT ?
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 9:27 AM, Jerome Velociter <jerome(a)xwiki.com>
I started working on a {{map}} macro
This raise the question of how (or if) we should work when writing
macros depending on JS APIs (being here google maps, yahoo maps, etc.).
The variants I've envisaged so far :
1a. We write all the needed JavaScript in the macro itself. We do it in
Strings we transform in lists of WordBlock + SpaceBlock we append as
children of a XMLBlock "script". I find this a little painful and not
very natural.
1b. We write all the needed JavaScript in the macro itself. We do it in
Strings we pass as content of a html/xhtml macros blocks.
2a. We write most of the JavaScript in a JSX
object (for example a sort
of facade to some google maps APIs), and only the needed calls in the
macro itself (for example the call to load a map in a div element).
For the code in the macro, we use the same strategy as 1a, except that
there is just one of such XML block, and it's relatively short.
The JSX Strategy in 2a/2b has that clear advantage to make it much
simpler on the server side, but as a counterpart, the macro needs to be
distributed as a xar + jar, while in 1) it's a jar only.
2b. Same as 2a using the strategy in 1b for the
part in the macro. This
is the way I have my prototype working right now. I admit I don't really
know what to think about the fact I'm building macros blocks (a velocity
one for the jsx "use" call, and a html one for the javascript call)
inside the macro itself. I hope you can tell more about this, and let me
know if it's a bad practice.
3. We don't do such macro :) We consider it's not what wiki macro should
be and we decide to have such macros only as velocity macros which are
much simpler to write in that case. This does not change anything for
the wysiwyg users, as far as I understand, but it does for the wiki
users.{{map location="Paris, France"}} is much more elegant than
{{velocity}}#map("Paris, France"){{/velocity}} ; and is much better too
in terms of configuration (in velocity we would need to give values to
all parameters, even if we want to use default value for most of them).
WDYT ? Are there some variants I did not envisage ?
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