On Nov 27, 2009, at 4:51 PM, Florin Ciubotaru wrote:
Yes, the interface is not used required any more, but I find it useful
for the fact that it's more like an specification for the xml-rpc API
and it's better placed for this purpose, in the xml-rpc model as opposed
implementation which is in the old core. It's also easier to navigate
then XWikiXmlRpcApiImpl. Like any interface, it might be useful in the
future if we change the implemetation.
Not sure what the balance is on removing it vs keeping it.
I think that's redudant because we also have a Client
which also exposes the same API, using the actual model class for the return types (which
is more clear).
And anyway in the XMLRPC properties file
you specify directly the implementation.
I agree though, that it can be seen as a specification.
I still tend to +1 for removing it, but let's wait for what the others will say.