IMO we should just write we support:
* HyperSQL 2.x Latest
* MySQL 5.x Latest
* PostgreSQL 9.x Latest
* Oracle 11.x Latest
not sure what help would do to have the explicit 2.4.1, 5.7.24, 9.6.10, versions.
Also I'm sure we won't keep up with the versions, so they won't mean
When we do the tests we should always fix and test on the latest one.
And this 'latest' behavior is consistent with what we do for Browsers, with
the exception that we are a bit more descriptive by giving the DB cycle.
On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 12:11 PM Simon Urli <simon.urli(a)> wrote:
On 31/10/2018 10:52, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 10:28 AM Vincent Massol
>> On 31 Oct 2018, at 10:15, Simon Urli <simon.urli(a)> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 31/10/2018 09:06, Vincent Massol wrote:
>>> Hi devs,
>>> We currently have
>>> However, it doesn’t say explicitly
which versions we officially
>>> * For HSQLDB it says 2.3.3 which is
wrong since the latest version is
>>> * For MySQL it says 5.x but doesn’t
specify which specific version(s)
>>> * Same for other DBs
>>> We cannot really support every versions since supporting means
>>> So what I propose:
>>> Question 1: definition
>>> * We say we support the latest stable version of the databases for a
given version cycle
>>> ** For MySQL, it’s the latest of the
5.x cycle, which is 5.7.24 as of
today (see
>>> ** For PostgreSQL, it’s the latest
of the 9.x cycle, which is 9.6.10
as of today (see
>>> ** For Oracle, it’s the latest of the
11.x cycle, which is
as of today (see…
>> +1
>>> Question 2: review what we support
>>> * For MySQL I think we could also start supporting MySQL 8.x (ie the
latest version of that cycle). We have an issue open for it currently:
>>> * For PostgreSQL we could also start
supporting versions 11.x (ie the
latest version of that cycle)
>>> * For Oracle, we could also start
supporting versions 12.x (ie the
latest version of that cycle)
>> +0 I don't really know how much effort it involves to ensure the
support of the latest version of each database and to fix the bugs
>>> Question 3: decide if we drop some support
>>> * Is there any cycle that we should support for? Right now I think
that MySQL 5.x is still heavily used, same for postgreSQL 9.x I guess.
Don’t know for Oracle.
>>> * Any idea?
>> What about the cycles that are bundled in major LTS distributions?
> You mean the versions from apt-get for ex (when using the default
> Indeed the idea could to follow one of them. Any suggestion for which
one to
follow and where the info is?
Since we provide Debian package one good reference to know which
version of MySQL to support IMO would be…
So it would be good to support 5.5 and 5.7
Maybe it worth it to also look on Ubuntu packages for the LTS, as they
don't follow the same cycle:
Apparently for now version are the same than for Debian.
Here is the one for postgresql (since we also have a pgsql based Debian
So here I see 9.3, 9.5, 10.5
> So 9.4, 9.6 and 11
>> Thanks
>> -Vinent
>>> Simon
>>>> So WDYT about the 3 questions?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Vincent
>>> --
>>> Simon Urli
>>> Software Engineer at XWiki SAS
>>> simon.urli(a)
>>> More about us at
Simon Urli
Software Engineer at XWiki SAS
More about us at