Hi Paul,
uMap is very interesting indeed. It uses the same JavaScript library as
the one I intend to use for our macro: LeafletJS <https://leafletjs.com/>.
Technically, we'd have several tile providers for the OpenStreetMap
database such as the ones listed at <https://wiki.openstreetmap.or
g/wiki/Tile_servers>: openstreetmap, openstreetmapfr, openseamap etc. and
the ones provided by Mapbox. Note that uMap provides a Django layer for
creating collaborative maps: <https://github.com/umap-proje
ct/django-leaflet-storage>. We could think of an XWiki layer along the
same lines...
Paul Libbrecht:
One of the very interesting derivative of OpenStreetMap is umap
That’d be yet another provider, right?
On 26 Jun 2018, at 20:44, Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi Stephane,
> On 26 Jun 2018, at 20:37, Stéphane Laurière <slauriere(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
>> Hi devs,
>> We have a MapMacro already [1], for displaying Google Maps. I'd like to
>> create a distinct one for creating maps based on OpenStreetMap. Another
>> option would be to enhance the existing MapMacro for supporting the display
>> of OSM maps in addition, but this would make the code more complex, and in
>> general an administrator willing to use maps in his wiki is likely to opt
>> for one map type, probably not both, what do you think?
> Since this is not a large “component”, I think my preferences goes to a
> single {{map}} macro, with a “provider” parameter (provider=“google”,
> “openstreetmap”, “apple”, etc) and possibly aliases such as {{googlemap}}
> {{openstreetmap}} which would simply be shortcuts for {{map
> provider=“google”}} and {{map provider=“openstreetmap”}}.
> I think it would make it simpler from a user POV. I’d prefer to have one
> recommended map macro that we try to support instead of a myriad of smaller
> map macros that would not be recommended and at various levels of support.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> If you agree, the proposed repo name and JIRA would be:
>> - Repo: macro-openstreetmap
>> - JIRA project: OSM
>> [1]
>> Thank you,
>> Stéphane
>> --
>> Stéphane Laurière
>> XWiki
>> @slauriere