On May 28, 2008, at 2:01 PM, Marius Dumitru Florea wrote:
How is GWT going to compile this?
I don't know much about GWT, I admit :) I thought it was java code.
Are you saying that we can't use any external Java library in GWT
GWT compiles the Java client code into JavaScript. To be able to do
it emulates a subset of the Java runtime library. See
http://tinyurl.com/n8vlw for the full list of supported classes. If an
external Java library uses only this classes then, theoretically, we
use that library in GWT code, with some little adjustments. See
http://tinyurl.com/4aonrx on how to do that.
ok thanks for the explanation. So forget what I said, this is too
complex and not worth it :)