I want to modify the GlobalBlogRss feed to add a couple of different
filters and have been able to do so successfully up to the final point.
I can't seem to get the syntax correct for limiting the results to a
specific xwikilistitem. The query string is passed to
xwiki.feed.getBlogFeedOutput. The query string that I am using is:
, DBStringListProperty as categories join categories.list as category,
BaseObject obj, IntegerProperty isPublished, IntegerProperty hidden,
DateProperty publishDate
where doc.fullName <> 'Blog.BlogPostTemplate' and
obj.name = doc.fullName and obj.className = 'Blog.BlogPostClass' and
publishDate.id.id = obj.id and publishDate.id.name = 'publishDate' and
isPublished.id.id = obj.id and isPublished.id.name = 'published' and
hidden.id.id = obj.id and hidden.id.name = 'hidden' and
(doc.creator = 'XWiki.stevem' or (isPublished.value = 1 and hidden.value
= 0)) and obj.id = categories.id.id and categories.id.name='category'
I would like to add the statement
[xwikilistitem].value='Blog.Production' but unclear of proper way to do
Is another JOIN required?
Any pointers to reference material would be welcome as well.
Steve Martin
IT Support
Jones Metal
(740) 623-5102