Here's a bit of trivia, the first version of XWiki had less than 6MB
(uncompressed and including its libraries).
On 01/10/2017 03:17 AM, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
That is indeed the first commit that can be traced
from master, but you
can get to the older history by checking the log of older tags. For
example: "git log XWIKI_1_0_0" shows commits starting with 2005-04-15,
when you did another directory reorganization, while "git log
XWIKI_0_1_10" goes back to 2003-12-15, a commit named "Initial revision"
The problem is that things kept changing in SVN, from /trunk to
/trunk/xwiki to /xwiki/trunk and then to /xwiki-platform/trunk, and
while git can detect most SVN renames, I guess this kind of transitions
really confused the migration process.
On 01/09/2017 11:33 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi devs,
I was trying to find the oldest commit and couldn’t. Maybe we made a mistake while moving
from CVS to SVN and then from SVN to Git at some point?
On xwiki-platform, running “git log —reverse” gives me as the oldest:
commit fd92841151ac9d81da39babdb82516dbb7e4add7
Author: vmassol <vincent(a)>
Date: Fri Oct 13 13:57:10 2006 +0000
XWIKI-12: Reorganize directory structure to match Maven2 best practices and cleanup
* Started creating the core/ module and added the first version of a m2 build.
* Please note that that the m2 is NOT working at this time as more work needs to be
done to sort out the dependencies.
* I'm committing this to show to everyone the path I'm taking, to gather
comments and possibly help too... :-)
But this is definitely not the oldest. There are commits from Ludo in 2003. We used to be
able to see them in svnsearch but that service has been decommissioned. On…
we can still see that there were 7 commits in Dec 2003 for example.
So my guess right now is that we lost history at some point. Is that so?