tmortagne (SVN) wrote:
Author: tmortagne
Date: 2008-11-19 15:57:38 +0100 (Wed, 19 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 14298
XWIKI-2825: Create a generic script macro
A quick review of the xwiki-script module:
- DefaultScriptContextManager and ScriptExecutionContextInitializer
should be in the internal package.
- ScriptExecutionContextInitializer is not declared in components.xml,
thus it is not used.
- getScriptContext calls the initializers on each call. Is that correct?
Shouldn't the context be initialized only once?
- scriptContextInitializerList (which also contains a typo in its name)
could be completely injected by Plexus, thus there's no need for
Initializable and Composable on this class. Just declare a dependency on
ScriptContextInitializer components.
- The javadocs on the interfaces could be improved... They are rather
short right now.
Sergiu Dumitriu