Hi devs,
As part for the 3.2 Roadmap, the plan for the workspaces feature was to add
some hooks into the platform that could accept a workspaces extension if an
admin decided to install it.
Without adding these hooks, there currently isn`t any mechanism (like
Interface Extensions, but not limited to that) that allows a simple
application to modify whatever it wishes (like user profile sections,
administration sections, top menu, etc.) so I went ahead and added some code
into the platform that executes only when the workspaces extension (wiki
pages and component/service) is installed.
I`ve created
http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-6991 with some details about
what I have done and made a pull request at
https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/pull/24 since I did not want to rush
at applying the changes without running them by you guys.
I`ve broken the issue down to subtasks with separate commits to make the
review easier.
There currently is a demo server for the workspaces feature at
http://wiki30-demo.xwiki.com but I will have to update it tomorrow with the
latest version. Not much changed, you can see the visible changes in the
specific jira subtasks (screenshots).
The goal would be for this to make it into 3.2 so that people could then
install (the soon to be released) workspaces extension and try it out.
Please take some time, if possible, to look over the proposed changes and
spot any problems.