Hello Devs,
Sachin, thnaks for your response to that mail. I will try that idea.
I have questions regarding a few miscellaneous topics:
1) Watch List - Is there anything we need to add/modify in order for the
Watch list notifications to work?
-> I have the email ids in the user profile
-> have 2 pages being watched
-> the xwiki.cfg has the watchlistplugin and the mailsender plugin included
-> I came across a watch.vm and watchlistrss.vm in the templates folder..but
nothing for mail...
-> also, in the menuview.vm, just where the Watch menu begins, there is a
We're disabling the Watchlist menu for now since the Watchlist doesn't work
yet in multiwiki
## mode. Remove when
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XPWATCHLIST-4 is
What is this for?
Please advice on how to get it to work.
2) We have noticed that every time a person logout of Xwiki and logs back
in, Xwiki redirects the ser to the page where he hit the logout!
This becomes an issue when a different user logs in on the same PC and he
would expect to be redirected to the home page, but instead he is taken to
some othe rpage.
I am looking at the login.vm - the first few llines:
#elseif($doc.fullName != "XWiki.XWikiLogin")
#set($qs = "")
#set($qs = $request.queryString)
#set($qs = "xredirect=$util.encodeURI($doc.getURL('view'))&${qs}")
$response.sendRedirect($xwiki.getURL("XWiki.XWikiLogin", "login",
### Login page
-> Do I need to change anything here. What does $request.xredirect return?
Please indicate which lines need to be altered/commented, so that users are
always directed to home page when they log in.
Kindly help. Waiting for your responses.