Hi Everyone, Hi Marius,
"What version of XWiki Enterprise do you use? Looks like an URL is
badly parsed. There shouldn't be any "xwiki:resources.js" page.
There's no resources.js file for sure in the default distribution."
I am using xwiki-enterprise-web-2.1.1, I downloaded the war file,
xwiki-enterprise-web-2.1.1.war, from xwiki website.
"Two questions: (1) do you get the same velocity exception when
viewing the Panels.YourPanelName page? (2) When you get the velocity
exception, is your JavaScript file loaded properly? Check with firebug
in the header of the edited page for the associated script tag."
(1). Yes, I get exception when viewing the Panels. Here is visual:
(2). Here is the pic, I do not think they are loaded right.
“An advice: don't leave useless empty lines in the panel content
because they generate paragraphs.” I took your advice, but it is
still not work.
Another example is Design Rationale Type Tree
I can load it now. In the pass it will give me the same error above.
No matter under \xwiki-web or under \xwiki-web\wysiwyg, when I use mvn
install or mvn gwt:debug, it will report Unable to find resource
Thank you everyone! Sincerely.