Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
There are many properties stored in VARCHAR(255)
fields, which sometimes
isn't enough. This already causes
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-883 . Changing to variable length
field doesn't have any major side effects, as I know.
As pro arguments:
1. The size of the database will not increase
2. There are already some fields stored as mediumtext and longblob, so it's
not something new in the database
3. The fewer limits there are, the better
4. Issues like XWIKI-883 will be fixed
... and maybe more
Is there something I'm missing that prevents this?
1. varchar(255) is supported across all db
2. I think there are some reasons that hibernate uses 255 as default
length of string.
3. biger types (clob, text) in many db has less functional possibilities
(ex: mssql) and less performance.
4. 255 is a performance barrier for some databases (mysql <5.0.3 and
some other db has a 255 length limit of varchar)
A good discussion of this problem is here:
So i think varchar(255) is normal and safe for many core xwiki fields.
(doc.names, etc).
XWIKI-883 can be resolved by change of StringProperty to
LargeStringProperty in Users/GroupsClass. (see attachment in jira)
Or we can rename LargeStringProperty to StringProperty :)
For what issues/fields else length increase can be useful?
PS: All this has no sense in XWikiJcrStore :)
Artem Melentyev, UralSU