Hello all,
What is $msg variable, and where can I read more about it? (is not in xwikivars.vm...) And
how does $msg.get() works?
Please, I really need some help. I want to include support for languages in my datepicker
and Sergiu told me to put the strings in ApplicationRessources.properties and now I'm
trying to get them in a js file with
$msg.get("core.datepicker.somethingdefinedbymehere"), but it seems that the
server does not know how $msg is, but it knows who $xwiki, $context and all other are....
So please, please, I would like to know more about this variable or how to get the strings
from ApplicatonRessources.
I'd really appreciate some help because I'm stuck on this....
Thank you very much,