On Dec 29, 2008, at 2:01 PM, Marius Dumitru Florea wrote:
Hi devs,
A) Should xwiki/2.0 support multi-line headers?
I'm +0. Wikimodel, HTML and Open Office support them.
+1 if there's no grammar issue. I thought we were supporting this
already. Thomas is checking.
B) What should happen when you press Enter inside a
header in the new
B1) Currently, the text is moved on a new line, but still inside the
header (multi-line header).
I'm +1 since it's already done (We agreed that you have to press Enter
twice to generate a new paragraph).
-0 since it doesn't match user's expectations IMO
B2) Text is moved in a new paragraph, below the
header. Shift+Enter
would have the effect described in B1).
I'm -0.
+1 I believe this is what users are expecting (the para when you press
enter in a header)
B3) Text is moved in a new header of the same level,
below the current
one. Shift+Enter would have the effect described in B1). This is what
Open Office does (and we agreed not to follow it).
I'm -0.
Please cast your vote asap.
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