Hi Niels,
On Aug 4, 2009, at 6:23 AM, Niels Mayer wrote:
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 6:43 AM, Ludovic Dubost
I've implemented support for Google Gadgets for pages and for panels.
It is possible to browse the Google Gadget Directory and select a
set it's parameters and either:
- insert a call to a gadget macro in a wiki page
- create a panel with this gadget
Any chance this can get added to 2.0? It was not added in 1.8, nor
1.9 (As
far as i can tell):
The work done by Ludovic was a proof of concept only.
However note that we have a GSOC going on for this:
I don't have the exact status of the project as of now (AnaMaria can
you give a status?) but it certainly won't be ready for 2.0. The
ability to include it in a future release will depend on the quality
of the work done (the quality of the design, the following of xwiki
dev best practices, etc). At this point it's hard to tell if and when
it could be included.
Vincent Massol:
My opinion is no for XE 1.8. Too late, too risky,
not ready enough
in term
of quality, everyone busy on trying to release 1.8 in time :)
PS: when will related functionality, such as openid, opensocial or
foaf-enabling, be available for integration?
- re opensocial see above
- re openid, when someone (could be you maybe?) has the time to work
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-2588 &
. Right now it's not on the roadmap defined by current xwiki
committers but anyone interested can provide patches and provided
they're good they'll be applied quickly.