With the new design, displaying more items does
not agglomerate the interface.
So, if this is really needed and it is considered as a regression, it
will be back by tomorrow.
BTW feature-wise (and for later), I think we need a way to see older activity with a
button "show more" at the bottom.
Yes, this is in the plan.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
>>>> * 'tag' (comma separated list): - Comma separated list of tags
>>>> display activity for.
>>>> -> to be replaced with 'tags'
>>> +1
>>>> * 'space' (comma separated list): - Comma separated list of
>>>> to display the recent activity for.
>>>> -> to be replaced with 'spaces'
>>>> -> also remove 'recent' from the macro description
>>> +1
>>> * 'author' (comma separated list): - Comma separated list of
>>>> whose modifications to show.
>>>> -> to be replaced with 'authors'
>>> +1
>>>> * 'changesNb' (number: 30 by default): - Number of activity to
>>>> -> to replace the description with 'Number of pages to display the
>>>> of.'
>>>> -> to be replaced with 'pages' or 'entries' or some
other name that
>>>> would fit better; you are welcome to add naming proposals.
>>>> -> to replace '30' with '20', now that each entry
(page) contains a
>>>> number of sub-entries (activity events) and there will be a way to
>>>> 'show more' entries (Facebook style)
>>> 'Number of _entries_ to display the activity _for_.'
>> Right.
>>> should be entries/items because when we extend to add also applications
>>> events, pages will be deprecated.
>>> +1 entries
>>>> New macro parameters to be added:
>>>> * 'events' (number: 10 by default): - Number of events to show
>>>> each page entry.
>>>> -> you are welcome to add naming proposals.
>>> +1 subentries
>>> * 'modifications' (boolean: false by default) - Whether to show
>>>> modifications' link on 'edited the page' events.
>>>> -> other naming proposals: 'diff', 'differences',
>>> you're talking about 'see changes'
>>> Actually I don't know why we need a parameter to display this link. It
has a
>>> limited scope (page edit events) and contains usefull information.
>> AFAIK, it was requested by Vincent. Let's see what the others think
>> about this parameter.
>> Raluca.
>>> Example:
>>> {{activity entries='3' subentries='3'
authors='XWiki.Admin' tags='xwiki'
>>> spaces='Main'/ } }
>>> Thanks,
>>> Caty
>>>> Raluca.
>>>>> On Oct 20, 2010, at 4:05 PM, Anca Luca wrote:
>>>>>> Hi devs,
>>>>>> I've been working on
and it's
>>>> done on my local. This is the recent changes macro based on the current
>>>> implementation (not the activity stream one), but the idea is that
>>>> rewrite it to display recent activity in the future. I will commit it
>>>> the moment, in the 2.6 trunk, as is, but I would like to discuss here
>>>> name of the macro and its parameters:
>>>>>> Macro name:
>>>>>> recentchanges, changes, activity, recentactivity
>>>>> +1 for "activity" to be in line with the upcoming recent
activity feature
>>>> planned for 2.6.
>>>>> No need for "recent", "activity" is enough.
It's about the activity of the
>>>> wiki.
>>>>>> Parameters:
>>>>>> * rss link should be shown at the bottom of the changes table
>>>> showRss, rss
>>>>> +1 rss (default true)
>>>>>> * minor changes are shown or not (boolean, default false):
>>>> minor
>>>>> +1 minor
>>>>>> * shows "see modifications" link next to entries
(boolean, default true):
>>>> showDiff, showDifferences, diff, differences
>>>>> I don't like too much diff*
>>>>> What about "actions"? It's more than just the
difference link, there could
>>>> be
>>>> other actions, as in the {{spaces/}} macro for example.
>>>>>> * number of changes to show (number, 0 means "all",
defaults to 30):
>>>> changesNb, changesCount, number, count, limit
>>>>> +1 count
>>>>>> * tags of documents to show chages for (comma separated list):
tag, tags
>>>>> +1 tags
>>>>>> * spaces of documents to show changes for (comma separated list):
>>>> spaces
>>>>> +1 spaces
>>>>>> * authors of documents to show changes for (comma separated
>>>> author, authors
>>>>> +1 authors
>>>>> Note that the types cannot be enforced since it's a wiki macro, I
put them
>>>> there just for orientation.
>>>>> I'd go for activity rss minor diff count tags spaces authors .
>>>>> Thanks -Vincent
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