Hi Lucien,
Great feature and work.
These are just some ideas for your design and a mockup with some
- The annotated text in panel is much too powerful if it's bold;
- The "..." should be after the annotated text, on the same line, not before
- for the "Delete" action, you should use "silk/cross" (
http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Standards/Icons is not ready yet
- but that's gonna be our delete action);
- the "Delete" action should always have the same position for the elements,
no matter the size of the author's name;
- I would like to see in the panel's title the number of all existing
- I would like to have a "legend" of all the authors that worked on the text
and how many annotations he did.
- What happens if you have more that 5 annotations?
- How many annotation will you display in the panel?