Note 3: I'll need to expose some new script APIs from the xwiki-model module too to
allow velocity scripts to manipulate Entity References, so I propose:
* $services.model.referenceResolver.getCurrentResolver()/getDefaultResolver(), etc
* $services.model.referenceSerializer.getDefaultSerializer()/getCompactSerializer(), etc
Note 4: In due time, we'll deprecate/remove $msg and $util from the velocity context.
When the new xwiki-localization module gets done, it'll expose script APIs through
Note 5: What do we do with Velocity Tools that are exposed directly in the Velocity
context? IMO we should leave them in the velo context directly since they're not
Script Services (they're only specific to velocity).
+1, it's very specific to velocity it should keep velocity tool style
(i.e. as direct binding)
> Note 6: $doc, $xwiki, $xcontext stay in the script context for now. They'll be
replaced one day by new model objects and $xwiki will be replaced by $wiki and all non
model services will be accessible through $services.*
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> On Aug 5, 2009, at 5:47 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is following the proposal done here some time ago:
>> Since we now have a generic Script notion we need to revisit it in that light.
Also we really need to implement it now since more and more components are put in the
velocity context (office importer, syntax factory, etc) and we need to bring some order.
>> Here's a new generic proposal:
>> Short term
>> ========
>> * The variable "services" is bound in the script context. For ex in
Velocity: $services
>> * The Services object (ScriptServiceManager) has a ScriptService get(String
serviceName) method which returns the service
>> * We use the namespace: services.<module name>.<method>. Each module
provides only one service entry point.
>> * ScriptService interface (empty interface) represents a service to be bound in
the context
>> * ScriptServiceManager.get() looks for all components of role ScriptService and
returns the component matching the the name as the component hint.
>> Ex:
>> @Component("mymodule")
>> public class MyModuleScriptService implements ScriptService,
>> {
>> public void myMethod() {}
>> }
>> In script:
>> {{velocity}}
>> $services.mymodule.myMethod
>> {{/velocity}}
>> Medium term
>> ==========
>> * We handle @authorization(Authorization.PROGRAMMING) annotations to check for
access rights. To do this in ScriptServiceManager.get() we use a Dynamic Proxy to
implement MyModuleBusinessInterface (we probably need a ScriptService.getInterface()
method to make it unambiguous). The Dynamic Proxy checks the annotation before proxying to
the real object.
>> WDYT?
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>> PS: This is to answer Sergiu's question about where is
getAvailableParserSyntaxes() from my other mail... ;) Answer: It would be in
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