On 11/16/2013 04:42 PM, Matthias Wegner wrote:
Hello All,
i use a XWiki.WikiMacroClass with a big Velocity-Script in the "Macro
Code"-Section. Now i want to transfer it to a Java-Macro as described in
http://rendering.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ExtendingMacro. I am not sure
where i have to place the code inside the Java-Macro.
I tried
private MacroContentParser contentParser;
and in the method
public List<Block> execute(...) {
Strong code = "{{velocity}}\n" +
List<Block> result = this.contentParser.parse(code, context, true,
return result;
But this give no code-result back in The Page when i use the macro. Is that
the right way?
Since Velocity is a programming language, and Java is a more powerful
programming language, the rightest solution is to rewrite the velocity
code into Java.
Since the method you're calling is named "parse", that's all it does,
parse. It doesn't execute anything.
Macros are evaluated using transformations
(xwiki-rendering-transformation-macro to be more precise). You should
use the TransformationManager component to performTransformations if you
really want to keep the code in Velocity.
Sergiu Dumitriu