Project Versions: +1 for 1)
I also like the idea with the logo addition. Maybe we could have an RSS feed
for documents that carry the "New" logo. This way XWiki users have an
additional way of staying up to date with the latest additions and
Skins: +1 for 1) (documenting the latest skin), but obviously I am partial.
Hopefully XWiki users will help us reach a conclusion in this respect.
vmassol wrote:
We need to decide how we want to document with regards to
project versions and skins. For example the screenshot and features
described can depend on 2 factors:
- the project version (XE version for ex)
- the skin used
Project versions
We have several choices:
1) We make the doc only for the latest version and in this case we
should probably export the pages at release time and make it available
as a zipped HTML export so that people using the older version can
refer to them.
2) We make the doc work the last 2 releases. That would be either 2.1
and 2.0.5 or 2.2M1 and 2.1 depending on how we view it and depending
on whether we want to document on before we release or not.
Personally I think I prefer option 1 with a little addition:
- whenever something that is new to the last release is documented, we
should add a little "New" logo (possibly with the version value, "New
in 2.2" for example). This could be done with a wiki macro.
If option 1 is chosen then we need to add a step to the release process.
Again we have several choices:
1) Document only for the latest skin
2) Document for all supported skins. Right now that would be Toucan +
Colibri (not sure about Albatross, I don't think we've officially said
it wasn't supported).
If we were to do 2) then this that for example this page
would need to contain screenshots for all supported skins *OR* there
should be different screenshots only when the skins have different
features. This is the case here since the location of menus and
actions are quite different.
I'm hesitating more for this one...
1) is definitely easier for us so I'm tempted to propose 1) but with
the proviso that we make it clear in the text when a feature is
available only for a given skin (for ex: the Show Code menu action is
avail in Colibri but not in Toucan).
When we agree we should put the result on in a new page
describing how is documented.
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