Hi Thomas,
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 5:27 AM, Thomas Baier
Hi Ludovic,
you can do the following to reproduce the table issue:
- create a new page
- insert a table (I took defaults, 2x2)
- create a bullet list in a cell of the table, type the first item, press
enter to get a new line, type something (you should have at least two
bullets with text)
- click preview --> its a bit mixed up
- go back to edit, your table is kind of screwed up
It seems for creating a new page WikiSyntax1.0 is default and for the
Office Document Import WikiSyntax2.0 is default. Nevertheless both have
problems with tables in XE 1.8M1.
No worries, this is a known shortcoming in rendering, it is supposed to be
fixed on 1.8M2:
Related issues:
And the fix issue:
As you can see, XWIKI-2890 is supposed to be fixed by 1.8M2 (next Monday).
Now, I might have to adjust OfficeImporter a bit to accommodate for this fix
but it won't take that long.
- Asiri