On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 9:44 PM, Asiri Rathnayake <
asiri.rathnayake(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 11:53 PM, Niels Mayer <nielsmayer(a)gmail.com>
Protovis sounds cool, but the way xwiki macros work will make it difficult
(or messy) to implement a macro that will have to depend on a JS library.
What we can do is this:
* Implement the wiki-macro bridge:
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-3213 (Basically this will allow
to convert any wiki content into your personal macro) - I'll finish this in
a week or so.
* We use a JSX (?) to get protovis support.
* Neils can implement a js charting wiki-macro using protovis ;)
I want to ask other developers, Is this possible? (I have a confusion about
macros + js working together)
I have Macros/JS working together all the time, using JSX. I'm certain it's
possible, given the kinds of integration I've been able to do in
Exhibit&Xwiki, e.g.
Here's a simple example, which are tests for my Xwiki integration of
http://www.longtailvideo.com/players/jw-flv-player/ which is the media
player used in the NPRpods3 application above:
(xwiki integration of
with an improvement, the JWplayer example doesn't work on Linux/Firefox,
mine does!)
(wiki-code for above)
(the javascript playlist from XWiki.JavaScriptExtension[0])
## Load and initialize LoadJS: defines injectJS(url) required by JWPlayer
## Load and initialize JWPlayer after LoadJS.
## Load JavaScript playlist from object XWiki.JavaScriptExtension[0] into
## js variable jwplayer_jspl, used below in parameter to
## function(jwpl){jwpl.sendEvent(’LOAD’, jwplayer_jspl);}. This function
## by jwplayer’s playerReady() calback when player has been instantiated,
## causes the javascript-based playlist to get loaded.
#set( $jw_name = "$doc.name" )##
#set( $jw_player = "jwplayer_embed_generic(’$jw_name’, ’mpl’,
function(jwpl){jwpl.sendEvent(’LOAD’, jwplayer_jspl);}, ’100%’, ’385px’);"
#jwplayer_create("$jw_name", "$jw_player")##
http://nielsmayer.com/xwiki/bin/view/Macros/JWPlayerPL_Test is another test
using playlists.
This also calls JS jwplayer_embed_generic(), but with an external file,
passed as URL/string, instead of creating the playlist in lambda-function as
above. (
http://nielsmayer.com/xwiki/bin/view/Macros/JWPlayerPL_Test?viewer=code ):
#set( $jw_player = "jwplayer_embed_generic(’$jw_name’, ’mpl’,
’/xwiki/bin/view/Macros/JWPlayer_PlayList?xpage=plain’, ’100%’, ’385px’);"
JS functions jwplayer_embed(), jwplayer_embed_generic() and macros
#jwplayer_xwiki_init(), #jwplayer_create() are from
Going in "the other direction", here's an example of using velocity to
compute results returned by Javascript:
#set( $total_attachments_size = 0 ) ## javascript:getAttachmentsSize()
#set( $total_attachments_names = [] ) ## javascript:getAttachmentsNames()
#foreach ($attach in $doc.attachmentList) ## {
#set( $ok = $total_attachments_names.add("'${attach.filename}'") )
## append attachment filename to ArrayList
#set( $total_attachments_size = ${total_attachments_size} +
${attach.getFilesize()} ) ## compute total size of atttachments
#end ## } -- foreach
function getAttachmentsNames() { return (${total_attachments_names}); }
function getAttachmentsSize() { return (${total_attachments_size}); }
lpattachments is called from an iframe. The parent document accesses the
iframe'd document's javascript functions like this: (
// get size of files in attachments iframe
function getAttachmentsSize() {
return (window.frames['attachment_iframe'].getAttachmentsSize());
// retrieve ArrayList of filenames contained in attachment
function getAttachmentsNames() {
return (window.frames['attachment_iframe'].getAttachmentsNames());
-- Niels