On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 12:34, Thomas Mortagne <thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com>wrote;wrote:
On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 9:10 PM, Vincent Massol
On Nov 23, 2011, at 8:42 PM, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 7:58 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
>> On Nov 22, 2011, at 9:11 PM, Eduard Moraru wrote:
>>> Hi Vincent,
>>> On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
>>>> Hi devs,
>>>> Since Eduard has developed the workspaces module (see
>>>> I'd like to push for using it
in our XEM distribution.
>>>> However there are 2 valid uses cases that exist:
>>>> 1) Using XE + workspaces, for creating workspaces (technically each
>>>> workspace being a wiki)
>>>> 2) Using XE as a wiki farm
>>>> I think that use case 1) is the main use case for most people and
>>>> vote is about keeping the XEM
packaging/branding but repurposing so
>>>> XEM implements use case 1). Use
case 2) exists but it's less
frequent and
>>>> for more technically advanced
>>>> So here's my proposal (and what you should vote on):
>>>> A) XEM = app manager module + wiki manager module + workspaces
>>>> XEM home page becomes the
workspaces app home page. We update
manager.xwiki.org to align it with the fact that it now boasts the
>>>> workspaces features.
>>>> B) On
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Virtualizationwe keep
documenting how to transform XE into a wiki farm
>>> C) We create an application in xwiki-platform-core/ that contains the
>>>> current pages located in XEM (home page + the other pages). We could
>>>> it xwiki-platform-multiwiki
>>> The pages that are strictly related to XEM can be found at
>>> There, you have:
>>> * Main.WebHome -> main wiki home with a couple of words about XEM and
>>> listing of current wikis
>> AFAIR there was "dashboard" on the home page: wikis you view, wikis
you own, wikis you administrate, recent wikis.
> The page itself just include widgets which are in wiki manager.
>>> * XemManager.Install -> Install page for a wiki template. This page is
>>> supposed to have automatically the latest XE xar attached to it. This
>>> working when it was part of the XEM
product, but if we plan to put it
>>> platform, we need to let the admin
upload the XE xar (or any other
xar that
>>> (s)he wishes to use for the
template), just like we did for
>>> * Panels.QuickLinks -> Override of
the standard quick links panel that
>>> contains an extra link to the wiki manager if the current user is an
>>> * XemResources.* -> Translations
page with 7 keys strictly related to
>>> XemManager.Install page
>>> * Xapp.XWikiApplicationXem -> Application descriptor for the
>>> manager. AFAIK, it's just a way
to automatically register the above
>>> translations.
>>> Now, knowing the above, does it make sense to name a platform package
>>> is supposed to contain the above
pages "xwiki-platform-multiwiki" ? If
>>> someone installs this package, they will not actually get multiwiki
>>> capabilities, they will just get a new homepage.
>>> I think that the xwiki-platform-wiki-manager module (application)
>>> everything needed for the 2) wiki
farm use case and that, from the
>>> platform's point of view (and maybe the user's as well), the proposed
>>> xwiki-platform-multiwiki would bring
no value. The only valuable item
>>> (maybe) the homepage, but I propose
we drop all of the above and let
>>> use the wiki manager application.
>> Good points, I agree. Makes a lot of sense.
>> I'd then propose to include the XEM dashboard as the WebHome of
I don't like it very much, WikiManager home page is an admin page to
manipulate wikis, this kind of dashboard would be useless for them
So you think we should just remove the dashboard?
Or would you be ok to have the dashboard page in the wikimanager app but
not on
the home page?
This could be a WikiManager.Dashboard page provided to anyone that
would want to include it somewhere like in the main wiki home page.
The best would probably be to rewrite the widgets to be supported by
the new dashboard system but it's really not a priority.
+1 for this, and maybe for a few release, we could have a link to it on the
new Main.WebHome for those who could be surprised by the change. WDYT ?
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>>> I`m +1 for everything else.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Eduard
>>>> D) Users who want to install xwiki-platform-multiwiki easily will
use the
>>>> Extension Manager UI when
it's ready for general consumption
>>>> E) Users who want to install xwiki-platform-workspace easily will
use the
>>>> Extension Manager UI when
it's ready for general consumption. At
this point
>>>> we'll decide if we want to
drop the XEM distribution or keep both
ways of
>>> installing it.
>>> Here'd my +1
>>> Thanks
>>> -Vincent
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Thomas Mortagne
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