On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 9:31 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
BTW I think we’ll need to think about exploring gradle
in not too long.
Maven continues to stagnate while gradle is moving fast ahead.
One important feature of gradle is performance (see also
https://blog.gradle.org/introducing-gradle-build-cache and
https://blog.gradle.org/incremental-compiler-avoidance). Apparently it beats maven easily
and that coud make things much nicer for us. The worrying point for me is the ability to
find existing gradle plugins to replace the maven ones that we use.
What we could do is to commit the start of a gradle build in our SCM (starting with
xwiki-commons) as a way to explore Gradle and see what’s missing compared to our current
maven build. In other words, it would be a way to slowly start to learn Gradle.
Not really sure what you mean exactly. Create a Gradle based branch in
xwiki-commons and a dedicated Jenkins job ?
About that, you should probably setup gradlew. See
https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html and
example on
PS2: I’m worried about the smaller reliance on
conventions in gradle than in Maven (as you can see from
https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/docker-xwiki/blob/master/build.gradle, it doesn’t use any
fixed structure and we’ll need plenty of best practices, it really reminds me of Ant…).
Thomas Mortagne