Hi Marius,
could you post a short example of making use of the CommandManagerApi.
Thanks and regards
Marius Dumitru Florea wrote
Regarding the JavaScript plugin interface and the way
to create
plugins in JavaScript, the JSX object on the plugin document could
contain something like this:
var wysiwygEditorPlugins = (function(plugins) {
// Define the plugin class.
var plugin = function() {};
plugin.prototype.init = function(richTextArea, config) {
plugin.prototype.getUIExtensions = function() {
plugin.prototype.destroy = function() {
// Export the plugin class.
plugins['$escapetool.javascript($doc.name)'] = plugin;
return plugins;
})(wysiwygEditorPlugins || {});
The JavaScript plugin factory (Java/GWT) will instantiate the plugin like
var pluginInstance = new $wnd.wysiwygEditorPlugins[pluginName]();
The JavaScript plugin (Java/GWT) will wrap the above plugin instance
(JavaScript object) and it will forward the Plugin interface
(Java/GWT) methods to the wrapped JavaScript object (native code),
adapting the parameters. The problem you have to overcome is the fact
that RichTextArea, Config or UIExtension are Java/GWT classes and thus
they cannot be reused in JavaScript as is so you have to make some
wrappers for them that expose the useful APIs to JavaScript code. Take
for instance
Hope this helps,
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 7:17 PM, Marius Dumitru Florea
> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 12:49 PM, jhaimerl <
> > wrote:
>>> Hi Marius,
>>> I adopted your suggestions and updated the design proposal. Did you
>>> already
>>> think about the "interface"?
>> Just two remarks for now:
>> * The JSX object used for the plugin code should have "Use this
>> extension" set to "On demand" as you load it on demand in
>> * I think each plugin should inject itself in wysiwygEditorPlugins
>> (which should be an object not an array):
>> // XWikiWysiwyg.js initializes the object.
>> var wysiwygEditorPlugins = {};
>> // plugin JSX creates the plugin object and sets.
>> wysiwygEditorPlugins['plugin-name-here'] = objectThatDefinesThePlugin;
>> The rest looks good. I'll think of the plugin interface asap (this
>> evening I hope).
>> Thanks,
>> Marius
>>> Thanks and regards,
>>> Josef
>>> Marius Dumitru Florea wrote
>>>> Hi Josef,
>>>> On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 4:13 PM, jhaimerl <
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> @Vincent
>>>>> Thanks for the information!
>>>>> @Marius
>>>>> I put down a rough design for this here
>>>>> .
>>>>> It includes some code-snippets of a prototype I got working. There
>>>>> some
>>>>> comments/inline comments - hope it's handleable.
>>>>> I didn't go to far with the design proposal, because I wanted to
>>>>> clear
>>>>> with you first, that this is the right way. Also I wanted to discuss
>>>>> the
>>>>> "interface" for the JavaScript plugins. What do you think a
>>>>> should
>>>>> can do? Please let me also know what you think about the naming of
>>>>> classes, etc.
>>>> I'm not sure the editor should be responsible for fetching the
>>>> JavaScript code of its custom plugins. I think I prefer the custom
>>>> plugins to be loaded outside of the editor (Java) code and thus the
>>>> editor just needs to be able to detect their presence. Something like:
>>>> $xwiki.jsx.use('Space.SomeCustomPlugin')
>>>> $xwiki.jsfx.use('uicomponets/wysiwyg/anotherCustomPlugin.js')
>>>> ...
>>>> $xwiki.jsfx.use('js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/XWikiWysiwyg.js', true)
>>>> Of course, hard-coding the custom plugin includes is not an option and
>>>> your idea of defining the custom plugins in wiki pages is great. So
>>>> the above code could be written instead as:
>>>> ## Load the custom plugins.
>>>> #foreach ($pluginName in $configuredListOfPlugins)
>>>> #set ($pluginDocumentReference =
>>>> $services.model.resolveDocument($pluginName))
>>>> #if ($xwiki.exists($pluginDocumentReference))
>>>> $xwiki.jsx.use($pluginDocumentReference)
>>>> #end
>>>> #end
>>>> ## Load the editor code.
>>>> $xwiki.jsfx.use('js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/XWikiWysiwyg.js', true)
>>>> Of course, the condition that checks if a plugin is a custom (wiki)
>>>> plugin can be refined, but you get the idea. Now, as for how a custom
>>>> plugin is defined, I think we should reuse the JSX mechanism. A plugin
>>>> document could have one or more JSX objects for holding the JavaScript
>>>> code of the plugin and one special object to mark the fact that the
>>>> document is a WYSIWYG editor plugin. I would use the document name as
>>>> the plugin name, the document title as the plugin pretty name and the
>>>> document content as the description. And since the JavaScript code
>>>> would be stored in a JSX object, the WysiwygPluginClass doesn't have
>>>> any property left, but we still need it as a marker. We can't have
>>>> empty classes so we could just add a placeholder property in the
>>>> WysiwygPluginClass for now.
>>>> Next, the WYSIWYG editor needs to detect the available custom plugin
>>>> factories and initialize the plugins. The simplest solution is to use
>>>> a global variable, e.g. window.wysiwygEditorPlugins.foo where foo is
>>>> one of the plugin factories. JavaScriptPluginFactory#registerPlugins()
>>>> from your proposal would iterate over the properties of
>>>> window.wysiwygEditorPlugins and create a plugin factory that wraps the
>>>> JavaScript object (e.g. 'foo').
>>>> Finally you need to define the "interface" for the JavaScript
>>>> I'll come back on this in the following days.
>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>> Marius
>>>>> Thanks and regards,
>>>>> Josef
>>>>> vmassol wrote
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Just FTR Marius is on holidays till the end of the week… ;)
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> -Vincent
>>>>>> On Aug 23, 2013, at 1:24 PM, jhaimerl <
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Marius,
>>>>>>> I'm back on working on this. Maybe you can help me
getting-in and
>>>>>>> tell
>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>> something about this mechanism (
How are
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> plugins published at this point?
>>>>>>> I set up eclipse to debug the java code with the browser gwt
>>>>>>> plugin.
>>>>>>> Maybe it could be useful for someone, would you like that I
>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>> somewhere?
>>>>>>> Marius Dumitru Florea wrote
>>>>>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 9:02 AM, rhierlmeier <
>>>>>>>> rhierlmeier@
>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> we studied the source code of the gwt wysiwyg editor
but we found
>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>> official way to integrate an custom plugin.
>>>>>>>> Yes, right now all the plugins are written in Java (GWT)
and adding
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> new plugin requires rebuilding the editor. We've been
wanting to
>>>>>>>> add
>>>>>>>> support for (dynamic) JavaScript plugins for some time
but we
>>>>>>>> didn't
>>>>>>>> because we focused on other things.
>>>>>>>>> We have the impression that it should be relatively
easy to
>>>>>>>>> establish
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> public API for registering customer plugins.
>>>>>>>>> The customer plugin would be delivered as javascript
code with a
>>>>>>>>> global
>>>>>>>>> javascript function that implements PluginFactory
>>>>>>>>> The WysiwygEditorConfigClass would have an addition
>>>>>>>>> customerPlugins, containing a comma seperate list of
strings of
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> PluginFactory method names.
>>>>>>>>> Do you think that this is doable?
>>>>>>>> Yes. I would write a generic JavaScriptPluginFactory
>>>>>>>> PluginFactory) and JavaScriptPlugin (implementing Plugin)
to serve
>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>> a bridge between GWT and plugins written in native
>>>>>>>> WysiwygEditorFactory would then iterate the list of
>>>>>>>> plugin
>>>>>>>> names and create a JavaScriptPluginFactory instance for
>>>>>>>> passing
>>>>>>>> the name. The factory would simply create a new
>>>>>>>> instance, forwarding the name. The plugin would access
the global
>>>>>>>> JavaScript variable with the given name and take from it
the data
>>>>>>>> needed to implement the Plugin interface. Of course, you
need to
>>>>>>>> define an "interface" for the JavaScript
plugins, and they have to
>>>>>>>> bee
>>>>>>>> able to add event listeners like a GWT plugin.
>>>>>>>> A contribution on this topic would be more than
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Marius
>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>> Richard
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