Hi devs,
Now that we have support for Hidden documents, I'd like to propose a general rule
where to put XAR pages in platform modules.
The rule I'm proposing is:
* Each top level module in xwiki-platform-core/ that has a UI submodule should put its
pages in a single space, generally named after the module but with a pretty name
* xwiki-platform-appwithinminutes --> AppWithinMinutes (could also have been "App
Within Minutes") (currently using: "AppWithinMinutes")
* xwiki-platform-index --> Index (currently using: "Main" and
* xwiki-platform-ircbot --> IRC (or "IRC Bot" or "IRCBot")
(currently using: "IRC")
* xwiki-platform-livetable --> Livetable (currently using: "XWiki")
* xwiki-platform-user --> User (currently using: "XWiki")
What's important is the rule: one module == one dedicated space
Note 1: This means that we the "Main" space will not be really needed anymore
but I think we should keep it as the space name for the XE application for now (or we
could introduce an application for it in xwiki-platform-core). It could simply contain the
current Main.WebHome.
Note 2: When we add support for nested spaces, the rule would mean but we would be be able
to better organize content in nested spaces.