I need to write the following xwiki extension:
- Able to store objects with a part number and part description property
- XWiki users need to be able to change part descriptions
- When clicking on a part (in the table), users can cerate/edit an xwiki
page with the full description
- Display these items in a table, and link to a page with the part number as
title (in a specific space)
- We currenly have a csv export of the parts database, and would like to be
able to upload this to xwiki
- Later on, when uploading the csv again, the system needs to only create
newer parts in xwiki, and leave the existing ones intact.
- Exporting a csv from xwiki would be great as well
I would create a class with a part number property and part description, and
know how to display these in a grid, but am not sure on how to import a
csv.I don't have any programming experience in xwiki, so how would you
suggest to do this.
Best regards,
Leen Toelen