Note that we don’t have any tests executing on Tomcat 7.x ATM.
Shouldn’t we remove it?
On 13 Apr 2019, at 11:39, Vincent Massol
<vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
Since it’s a vote I think I am -1 to support both Tomcat 8.x and 9.x at the same level (I
could change that to a -0 if everyone else agrees).
For 2 reasons:
* I feel we’re don’t have enough agent power to support so many configs - we already have
too many IMO, and each new config increases the test time exponentially.
* I’d really like that we continue having a single version for each infra server in our
docker-latest job.
So I’m proposing one of the following 2 options:
Option 1: Tomcat 8.x stays the supported version
* Continue delivering XWiki on Tomcat 8.x by default. For ex the Docker image continue to
be on Tomcat 8.x, see the tags on
* Offer a preview for Tomcat 9.x but don’t consider it as being officially supported.
This means mentioning the “preview” in the various docs.
* On the test side, this means adding it to docker-unsupported
Option 2: Tomcat 9.x becomes the latest supported version
* Consider that Tomcat 9.x is now the latest version of Tomcat, i.e. make it go in the
docker-latest build (ie all tests execute on it). Executed daily.
* Consider that Tomcat 8.x is now an older version of Tomcat (but still supported) and
move all Tomcat 8.x tests to docker-all (ie only smoke tests on it). Executed weekly.
* Upgrade the official Docker image to use Tomcat 9.x. More generally upgrade all
distributions to use Tomcat 9.x. Note that we support only 1 version of Tomcat in the
Docker images we distribute.
The only question I’m asking is whether Tomcat 9.x is stable enough for using it in
production vs Tomcat 8.x (8.5.x to be precise). Note that Tomcat 8.5.x contains backports
from Tomcat 9.x AFAIK and the main difference is just the supported Servlet spec
So if we wish to make a move, I’d prefer option 2 but I don’t know if I know enough about
Tomcat 8.5.x vs Tomcat 9.x in production to make an educated decision. I’d be curious to
know if users would be ok to run Tomcat 9.x in production. Now we would still support
8.5.x so users who want to stay on Tomcat 8.5.x can.
PS: I thought I saw a jira issue being closed on this topic, did I dream it or did you
anticipate the vote results? ;)
On 12 Apr 2019, at 17:53, Thomas Mortagne
<thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 5:42 PM Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
On 12 Apr 2019, at 17:35, Thomas Mortagne
<thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 5:07 PM Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
>> On 12 Apr 2019, at 17:00, Thomas Mortagne <thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com>
>> Hi devs,
>> tomcat9 package is now available in Debian repositories so I would
>> like to start providing xwiki-tomcat9-* Debian packages of XWiki.
>> Nothing complex so far but it if we provide an official tomcat 9
>> oriented package it would also make more sense to add Tomcat 9 in
>> (only Tomcat 8 right now).
>> Another argument is that it's the current recommended stable version
>> from Tomcat point of view so people will use it more and more.
>> WDYT ?
> In principle it’s good but it means doing a lot more tests to officially support it
and we’re already doing a lot. So I’m not very inclined to add new config tests. It adds a
lot of hours to the build. I’d prefer that we keep officially supporting only a single
version if we can. Same as for jetty for ex.
> BTW could you provide the URLs for the various debian repos (oldstable, stable,
unstable) so that we can check the precise Tomcat versions?
https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=tomcat9 so 9.0.16. It's
available in the stable branch trough backport repository (stable
branch never get new major version directly).
So it seems there’s only an “unstable” version FTM. I would wait till there’s a “stable”
version at least. We could add it to our “unsupported” docker tests that execute once a
month though. WDYT?
No as I said there is a stable package, you just have to enable stable
backports. There is also a testing version.
What’s your need for adding support for it now, since debian doesn’t have a stable
support for it yet?
> BTW I also noticed that
https://packages.debian.org/sid/tomcat8 doesn’t exist
anymore. It’s been removed? This link is in our doc at
This is the URL for sid only which is the unstable branch. Not really
sure if it's like this on purpose or if it's a mistake but it will
continue to be available for a very long time in the stable branch for
sure anyway. On Tomcat side there is no date announced for 8.5.x end
of life.
This link used to work so it’s been removed. Not sure what we should do.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
>> Here is my +1
>> --
>> Thomas Mortagne
Thomas Mortagne
Thomas Mortagne