Vincent Massol wrote:
The diagram is not completely correct. The PDFClass's xhtmlxsl and
fopxsl properties are not indicated correctly.
The xhtmlxsl one overrides (replaces, if defined) the default
xhtml2fo.xsl one and the fopxsl one overrides (replaces, if defined)
the fop.xsl one.
Also the style property doesn't replace the pdf.css file (and not
pdf.class as mentioned on the diagram) but comes in addition to it.
The resulting CSS is pdf.css + the css specified in the style property.
Thanks, Vincent,
I've uploaded a new release
Please, what process does use xhtmlfo.xsl stylesheet to transform
intermediary XHTML 2 to the XSL-FO document?
At this point and considering that the resulting CSS is pdf.css + the
css specified in the style property as you said before, the main issue
is to know what CSS rules will be accepted there.
For instance, how could I control the appearance of text within
paragraph tags? I've tried a number of options without success.
Ricardo RodrÃguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team